Our classified ads are an effective way of selling your boat or equipment. If you have something you wish to advertise, or something you are chasing, email or call our Secretary Keith Morris. wanderersrscsecretary@gmail.com 0459 575 399 .
FOR SALE SOLD - within 2 hours!
2 X DF 65s
One is a V5 and the other is a V6.
Both boats present as new with very little use.
Includes Boats, sails, receivers, transmitters and stands. $250 for both.
Register the hulls and go racing.
Call or SMS Dave – Yokine - on 04 xxx xxx
For sale: DF95 # 423. SOLD (in under 4 hours!!)
One rig plus a few of the usual spares and the box it came in.
Asking $300. Contact Brian at xxxxx@bigpond.com